LINKS Issue 1, IMG links in Meta All of the links that are in the meta model of backend need to be real cookies (low priority)
Issue 2, Add post request use post requests to add votable cookies (Pending)
Issue 3, we need data Intergration, get function, made parseable cards (done)
Issue 4, decrese API value Update stock, exremely important for an ecomerce website (done)
Started to experiment with Blueprint and then I tried to copy the jokes API and make it as my API by changing a few things.
import random
cookie_data = {
"cookies": [],
"list": [
"Chocolate Chip", "Oatmeal Raisin", "Snickerdoodle", "Peanut Butter", "Sugar Cookie"
# Initialize cookies
def initCookies():
# Setup cookies into a dictionary with type, ingredients, price, and stock
for item_type in cookie_data["list"]:
cookie_data["cookies"].append({"type": item_type, "ingredients": [], "price": 0, "stock": 0})
# Prime some stock levels
for i in range(len(cookie_data["list"])):
cookie_data["cookies"][i]["stock"] = random.randint(50, 100)
# Return all cookies from cookie_data
def getCookies():
return cookie_data["cookies"]
# Cookie getter
def getCookie(cookie_type):
for cookie in cookie_data["cookies"]:
if cookie['type'] == cookie_type:
return cookie
# Return random cookie from cookie_data
def getRandomCookie():
return random.choice(cookie_data["cookies"])
# Buy a cookie and update stock
def buyCookie(cookie_type):
cookie = getCookie(cookie_type)
if cookie and cookie['stock'] > 0:
cookie['stock'] -= 1
return {"message": f"Purchased one {cookie_type} cookie."}
elif cookie:
return {"message": f"Sorry, {cookie_type} cookies are out of stock."}, 400
return {"message": "Cookie type not found."}, 404
# Pretty Print cookie
def printCookie(cookie):
print("Type:", cookie['type'])
print("Ingredients:", ', '.join(cookie['ingredients']))
print("Price:", cookie['price'])
print("Stock:", cookie['stock'])
# Number of cookies
def countCookies():
return len(cookie_data["cookies"])
# Test Cookie Model
if __name__ == "__main__":
initCookies() # initialize cookies
# Random cookie
random_cookie = getRandomCookie()
print("Random cookie:")
# Buy a cookie
cookie_type = "Chocolate Chip" # Change to the type you want to buy
buy_result = buyCookie(cookie_type)
# Count of Cookies
print("Cookies Count:", countCookies())
then once this inevitablly failed, I tested extensively on postman untill I decided to try and change my Meta data model into a database system. This had many issues though, I had to initiate my meta data not in main, rather than the model file. I also learned a valuable lesson in namng files as All of my files were named Cookie, therfore it was hard to tell what i was calling in my main.
Updated code for model and main
Port Changes
Fixing Ports
This is current edition with Jokes intergration
One of my teamates thought they were helping and somehow moved all of the files from their paths, this took me over 3 hours to fix until i finnally figured out the damage This was partly due to my lack of teaching my teamates backend, and expecting them to know how to do things
It’s time to get GET and POST to actually work. Last week was mainly about running the Docker and getting the model running. One problem, however, was that my API would only work on my localhost provided I ran the following in a terminal code cell:
python Copy code python CORS was a huge issue this week as well. Luckily, in this commit, link this commit, basically, all I really had to do was read the docs for this one and copy the CORS code from there.
Another thing I did this week was deploy to the AWS server for the first time. Not set up, rather actually used docker-compose up –d build on the Nighthawk server.
UPDATE: EVERYTHING BROKE due to read-write permissions.
Baisically, my meta data would just apend onto my previos data when i restarted the server. One way to fix this was to Drop the sqlite table all-together. this plan did not work due to read write permissions wich I cannot Change, Work on this later, get post to work Right now
due to URL problems prevelent in the in API folder
as you can see, cookies 1 - 8 are meta data, many of this is test and post data, but you can see how they keep repeting
Code for post
def post(self):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument("Cookie_name", required=True, type=str)
parser.add_argument("image", required=True, type=str)
parser.add_argument("stock", required=True, type=str) # Adjust the type to int
parser.add_argument("price", required=True, type=str) # Adjust the type to float
args = parser.parse_args()
cookie = Cookie(args["Cookie_name"], args["image"], args["stock"], args["price"])
Baisically I did not know how to parse anything, this is something that I learned through lots of google after CHATGPT failed
Commits for this week
Post request intergration with main
Teamate Mishap
CSV Fixing(this was an expiriment that I tried to do but inevitably did not do as it was uneeded) Issue 2, Add post request
Post Request fixing finnaly done with minor issues
Formatting and also final Post fixes
Intergration Week
##### Things to Acheive this week
Update, Huge issue, the data cannot be called, yet the api is on the AWS server, figure out how to fetch
SSH to the AWS server
FIX THE NGINX BECAUSE PPL KEEP TURNING OFF THE SERVER Credit:WILLIAM CHENG, I figured out how to get to the SSH, William figured out how to fix NGINx
Back to the main parts
UPDATE: CHATGPT has helped fixing our fetch code
.then(response => response.json()) // Parse the JSON response
.then(data => {
// Organize the data into a dictionary
const organizedData = {
Cookie_api: {
url_prefix: '/api/Cookie',
CookieAPI: {
get: {
description: 'Retrieve all cookies from the database',
url: '/api/Cookie',
method: 'GET',
data: data, // Include the retrieved data here
CookieListAPI: {
CookieListAPI: {
get: {
description: 'Retrieve all cookies from the database',
url: '/api/Cookie',
method: 'GET',
data: data, // Include the retrieved data here
// Now, you have the organized data in the "organizedData" dictionary
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
now we make dynamic cards
first we have to get the data
next we have to append it to some cards
More testing,
console.log(organizedData); //data[id].Cookie_name, image whatever u may need,
so the path is therfore
Update this works, now to sudo code the parser for adding custom cards
For each item in Data Create a new card element Set the card’s class to “card”
Create a new image element
Set the image's source (src) to the item's image property
Set the image's alt text to "cookie"
Create a new cardContent element
Set the cardContent's class to "card-content"
Create a new title element
Set the title's class to "title"
Set the title's text content to "item.Cookie_name - $item.price"
Create a new whitespace1 element
Set whitespace1's class to "title"
Set whitespace1's text content to an empty string
Create a new chip element
Set the chip's class to "chip"
Set the chip's text content to "Add to Cart"
Add a click event listener to the chip
Create a new whitespace2 element
Set whitespace2's class to "title"
Set whitespace2's text content to an empty string
Append the title to cardContent
Append whitespace1 to cardContent
Append chip to cardContent
Append whitespace2 to cardContent
Append the image to the card
Append cardContent to the card
Append the card to the catalogGrid
This is the working code
Data.forEach((item) => {
const card = document.createElement("div")
card.className = "card";
const image = document.createElement("img");
image.src = item.image;
image.alt = "cookie";
const cardContent = document.createElement("div")
cardContent.className = "card-content";
const title = document.createElement("p");
title.className = "title";
title.textContent = `${item.Cookie_name} - $${item.price}`
// new line
const whitespace1 = document.createElement("p");
whitespace1.className = "title";
whitespace1.textContent = ``
const chip = document.createElement("a");
chip.className = "chip";
chip.textContent = "Add to Cart";
chip.addEventListener("click", () => {
// <a href="#" class="chip snipcart-add-item" data-item-id="Chocolate Chip" data-item-price="3.99"
// data-item-image=""
// data-item-name="Chocolate Chip">Add to cart
// </a>
// new line
const whitespace2 = document.createElement("p");
whitespace2.className = "title";
whitespace2.textContent = ``
Commits for this Week That are Important
Testing data paths
Starting the fetch system
Apending new cards to the code
Honerable mentions:
Fixing exposed Data ports
Week 11
MCQ Revisions
- Queston 1, Replacing a variable in psudo code with temporary variable is extremely weird,
temp <= first
first <= seccond
seccond <= first
Queston 3
- Encryption for a bank, recipients private key is more important than sender.
- Calling the phone number given in the e-mail and providing the personal information over the phone BAD
Queston 14
- when index is different, the correct answer is: This option is incorrect. The programs display different values.
output <= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
output <= [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
Queston 23
- This option is incorrect. There are multiple paths from P to S (for example, P to S and P to Q to S).
- This is a path queston, the answer is B as thre is only one path to P
Queston 26
- The code I selected does nothing,
- SIMPLE MISTAKE, always call move right, and if the output does not work, move forward
Queston 30
- what does the coe really mean, it calls every time in the index
Queston 35
- This option is correct. Creative Commons licenses can be used by creators of digital music to specify how the samples can be used by others. A no-rights-reserved license allows others to freely make use of the samples.
Queston 50
- It implements a linear search. Bianary search is not sequential, it takes mean and recusres it over and over again.
Queston 52
- Also a linear search
- First keep palindromes, then shorten, then sort
Queston 55
- The procedure returns false no matter what the input value is.
Queston 58
- I. The Internet can provide crowdsourcing participants access to useful tools, information, and professional knowledge. II. The speed and reach of the Internet can lower geographic barriers, allowing individuals from different locations to contribute to projects.
Queston 65
- remember what an or function is
Queston 66
- The list will not run with low index at 10 starting
Certainly, here’s some additional advice for improving my performance on AP CSP multiple-choice questions:
Regular Practice: I should consistently practice solving various types of multiple-choice questions to get a better feel for the format and the types of questions that may appear on the AP CSP exam. This practice helps me become more familiar with common patterns and concepts tested in these questions.
Review the Course Material: Going through the course material, notes, and textbooks is essential. Sometimes, the answers to MCQs can be found within the course content. A thorough understanding of the curriculum is crucial.
Analyze Mistakes: After taking practice exams or mock quizzes, I should carefully review any mistakes I made. Understanding why I got a particular question wrong and learning from those mistakes is crucial for improvement.
Understand the AP CSP Exam Format: Familiarizing myself with the structure of the AP CSP exam, including the number of questions, time constraints, and scoring, will help me better plan and manage my time during the test.
Use Resources: There are numerous resources available, such as review books, online courses, and sample questions provided by the College Board. These can be incredibly helpful in preparing for the exam.
Consider Group Study: Sometimes, discussing and solving problems with peers can provide new perspectives and insights. Collaborative study sessions can be very beneficial.
Stay Calm and Focused: During the actual exam, it’s important to remain calm and focused. If I encounter a challenging question, it’s better to temporarily skip it and return later. Panicking can negatively impact my performance.
Simulate Real Exam Conditions: When practicing, I should simulate the actual exam conditions as closely as possible, including timing myself to get a sense of what the real test experience will be like.
By following these strategies and consistently working on improving my understanding of the subject matter, my problem-solving skills, and my test-taking abilities, I can increase my chances of success on the AP CSP multiple-choice questions.
I was backend in my group and I did most of the work on it while my friends were doing the frontent
Things to do better next time
Assign more work for other people to do backend
Have the work more outsourced
Admitting mistakes is a crucial part of the Agile methodology, and it’s a step towards improvement. Recognizing that you took on too much work within the Agile framework is a valuable realization. In Agile, collaboration and delegation are key principles, ensuring that responsibilities are shared and distributed among the team members. To improve, you can refocus on the core principles of Agile, such as transparency, communication, and teamwork. Learn from your experience and strive to involve your team more effectively, allowing for shared ownership and responsibilities in future projects. This adjustment can lead to a more balanced workload and better outcomes in the spirit of Agile’s iterative and collaborative approach.