Hello Mr.Mortinson, this is our exit review ticket.
Weekly finished goals
Glaga gave us many issues including the fact that it would crash and end game after killing each and every enemy. THere was also an antity crash wich was fixed by making everything shoot once. To add a dificulty interval, all you do is simply increase the amount of enemy per seccond. It spawns randomely on screen , so this was a cich!
Next, We have linux code that worked flawlesly the first time, and Anthony had a huge idea to add baisic syntax on the command line.
Finnaly, with my knowledge of Javasript, and Anthony’s knowledge of Css, we created the Javascript api table. THis table fetches an api from the web and then it displays data in pages using jquerry. This is then styled with css by anthony that styles new tags as the javascript loads them in. We ran into many errors on this project as css sometimes did not load, to fix this problem, we added a table from the start rather then generation of new tags. Anthony then went on to style them with html and css.